Contact & Communication

  • Email is preferred, georgiabrookeva@gmail.com

  • Non urgent emails will be answered within twenty-four (24) hours or on the next business day, urgent emails will be responded to as soon as possible.

  • Meetings are to be scheduled via Zoom one (1) week in advance.

Hours of Operation

  • Monday to Friday, 9am to 2pm AWST. Excludes Public Holidays.

  • Please note - any work required to be completed outside these hours will be charged at $75 p/h.

Task Management

  • A number of project management software and applications are used to manage Clients' tasks, invoicing, scheduling, time tracking and more. These programs are suitable for Virtual Assistant / Client collaboration and Clients will never incur fees related to my use of these programs, applications and software. Clients are welcome to sign up to premium subscriptions of any my tools or resources at their own cost and discretion.

  • Programs, software and applications utilised by Georgia Brooke VA include: Adobe Acrobat, Asana, Calendy, Canva, Dropbox, Gmail, Google Drive, LastPass, MailerLite, Microsoft Word, Squarespace and Zoom.

Status Updates

  • A monthly report will be provided of the distribution of billable hours across the contracted tasks.

  • A weekly update will be provided for Short Term Projects until the completion of the project.

  • Contracted hours do not roll over to the next month and any unused hours will not be refunded.

Invoicing & Payments

  • Invoices for Monthly Retainers are to be paid at the beginning of the month's work. No work will commence until payment and/or proof of payment has been received.

  • The contracted fee schedule includes time spent communicating via phone, text and Zoom, in addition to the agreed scope of work. For example - Client contract is for twenty (20) hours per month. One (1) hour each month is assigned to a Strategy Call, and an average of two (2) hours each month are spent on communication between Client and VA. The remaining seventeen (17) hours are assigned to the agreed scope of work.

  • Dependant on availability, any rush jobs will be invoiced separately at the end of each month's work at an hourly rush rate of $75 p/h.

  • Dependant on availability, any additional services not included in the agreed scope of work will be invoiced separately at the end of each month's work at an hourly rate of $75 p/h.

  • Short Term Projects require a 25% deposit prior to the start of work with the outstanding amount due at the completion of the project, prior to handover. Payment plans are available upon request.

  • Overdue invoices will incur a 15% late fee each week that payment is outstanding and work will not resume until all outstanding payments have been finalised.

Payment Methods

  • Payments are welcome via bank transfer or credit card.

  • Proof of payment, also known as remittance is required via email for any payments not set up for direct debit (screenshots are acceptable).

  • Please note - processing fees will be charged for any credit card payments.

Policy & Price Revision

  • Georgia Brooke VA reserves the right to change, revise or amend it's policies, terms and service prices.

  • Clients will be informed of any policy changes immediately.

  • Clients will be advised of any service pricing changes thirty (30) days in advance before changes come into effect.

Privacy & Confidentiality

  • Client privacy is of the utmost importance and is handled with care. Client information will never be sold or transferred to a third party, or made public without the Client's permission, unless we are legally obliged to do so.

  • By signing the contract, Client agrees that their information may be used by Georgia Brooke VA for the following purposes; to personalise your experience, to provide better services products and opportunities that may be of interest to you, to process reports regarding website and social media analytics, and to send periodic newsletters and emails for invoicing, updates pertaining to your contract, and other related information.

  • No one outside my company will have access to Clients' information, files, documents, online accounts, emails or contracts.

  • Please note - it is highly recommended that Clients use a secure password manager to keep your accounts safe.

Intellectual Property

  • Content created by Georgia Brooke VA is to be used for the purposes of Your Business operations and/or commercial marketing only and:

    • is not to be modified or copied in any manner

    • is not to be decompiled or reverse engineered

    • may not have any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials removed

    • may not transfer the materials to another person or “mirror” the materials on any other server

    • any designs created on behalf of Your Business by another designer must have at least 60% comparable difference to avoid infringing on Georgia Brooke VA's copyright.

  • IP laws in Australia protect any design or artwork created. All work during and upon completion immediately carries copyright ownership which is owned by the author, in this case Georgia Brooke VA. When a job is commissioned by a Client, a Client pays for the end job and owns the right to the finished product only (marketing material, website etc) and will not be provided access to editable project files or the overall design aesthetic.

  • In the case of a logo/brand only, the copyright and IP ownership will transfer to the Client upon final payment of the logo/branding job.

  • Georgia Brooke VA reserves the right to use any created content in the agreed contract for marketing purposes, including to be listed in a digital portfolio on Georgia Brooke VA's website and various social media platforms.

Service Deliverables

  • While the utmost attention to detail and care is taken while creating content, it is the Clients responsibility to thoroughly check and proofread all deliverables within a 48 hour period from receiving said deliverables. Up to one (1) hour of amendments is allowed for, any further revisions will be billed for at an hourly rate of $75 p/h.

  • Georgia Brooke VA makes no guarantees or promises in relation to increased social media reach, sales conversion, website traffic or results or increases in other profit centres.

  • Both parties may agree in. a separate written document (an informal email is acceptable) to expand the Scope of Work and/or Service Deliverables to included additional tasks. A timeframe must be included, such as a deadline or the frequency of such task/s to be completed.

Trial Month

  • Each new Client on a monthly retainer is entitled to a thirty (30) day trial period, excluding Short Term Projects.

  • The trial month will not commence until the retainer payment has been received.

  • At the end of the trial month, the contract may be renewed or cancelled.

  • All work undertaken by Georgia Brooke VA during the trial month is payable, with the understanding that the Client will be billed for any completed work and unpaid costs at the conclusion of the trial month.

Agreement & Termination of Contract

  • Clients are asked to sign an agreement to protect both parties in the working relationship.

  • Work will only commence after the Client reads the policies and contract and indicates an understanding of said contract by signing it.

  • Amendments to the contracted services and tasks will require fourteen (14) days notice.

  • Cancellation of contracts will require thirty (30) days notice by either party, with the understanding that the Client will be billed for any completed work and unpaid costs.

  • There will be no refunds for unused hours or service deliverables.

  • A breach of contract will result in immediate termination of the contract with the understanding that the Client will be billed for any completed work and unpaid costs.